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[NEW FEATURE] Release Notes v2024.11.2

Dear colleagues,

During the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. In addition to the new version of TYPO3 12 (12.4.23) which brings important security changes and bug fixes, the following changes will be rolled out:

  • [NEW FEATURE] Download-Center Feature – After some weeks of development, we are very excited to announce that the Download-Center Feature is now available in TYPO3. This feature will help you to collect all required files for the user to download in one place and reduce the time of editing instead of creating own content elements.

More detailed information about the functionality and how you can create it you can find here:

  • Revival of paste reference feature – Some of you have missed the paste reference feature after TYPO3 12 was introduced. This feature has been provided for TYPO3 12 now and can be used like in the previous version.

  • Adjusted content element “Infobox” – We have changed the text editor preset for the content element “Infobox”. This adjustment offers you heading formats and creating text without limitation of characters.

  • Automatic line breaks for heading tags – We have adjusted the automatic line break behaviour for all headlines. This feature supports clean and logical line breaking for every viewport and language.

  • Display error fixes:
    • Linked text in highlight box if it’s placed in a coloured grid.
    • Displayed heading tags inside accordion.
    • Incorrect display of filter names in the product locator

  • Deleted speech bubbles askACO - We have deleted the speech bubbles inside the sticky notes of the askACO section. Please keep in mind, after the latest design update regarding askACO, that from now on the speech bubbles are no part of askACO anymore.

    Here you can find more information.
    Article: Redesign for askACO - Less Stylisation, more authenticity | Downloads -

  • The space between Blue Navigation tile in mobile view has been increased.

  • We have fixed the behaviour inside the contact finder feature, when the search wasn’t able to find a result. Sometimes it could happen that the request time has been expired and an error occurred.

  • We have changed the functionality which provides scrolling through the breadcrumb inside the mobile view.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact us via the service-now ticket-system.

Best regards
Your Corporate Marketing Digital Team