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Release Notes v2024.06.1

Dear colleagues, during the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. This release will bring the following changes: Enabled Table Properties again - Display of Image Manipulation Editor - Added Crop Variants - and more..


TYPO3 Release Notes v2024.05.3.

Dear colleagues, during the day a new release was rolled out on all websites. This release includes a new version: TYPO3 12.4.15, which brings essential security updates and bug fixes. In addition to this we released the following changes.


Release Notes v2024.05.02

during the day a new release was rolled out on all websites. With this update we have fixed some problems that arose from the TYPO3 12 upgrade. In addition to this we released the following changes.


TYPO3 12 is finally released!

We are very happy to announce that we finally have released the TYPO3 12 version to all websites.


Release Notes v2024.03.02

Today, we are rolling out a new release on our websites. Following the success of the last release, we encountered no further issues and have proceeded to finalize the last steps for the TYPO3 Upgrade. Currently, we are in the process of preparing tests for all new changes. These tests are crucial to ensure that all features and functions are operating correctly.


Release Notes v2024.09.1

during the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. Compared to the previous Release this will bring some important changes.


Release Notes v2024.03.01

During the day, a new release will be rolled out on the websites. Due to the last security update from TYPO3 Version 11.5.35 some errors may have occurred. Read more here


Release Notes v2024.08.3

during the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. The new release will bring the following changes.


Release Notes v2024.08.2

during the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. The new release will bring the following changes.


Release Notes v2024.08.1

during the day a new release will be rolled out on all websites. The new release will bring the following changes.
